In vivo microdialysis

Genetic variations reducing dysbindin-1 confer unique potentiation of cortical D2 autoreceptor activity following antipsychotics. In a recent study we injected Dys+/− mice with a synthetic microRNA (miR) to inactivate D2 receptors (LV-miR-D2, green circles) or a control miR (LV-miR-control, purple circles) in the mPFC. After 2 weeks, animals received daily injections of Veh or Ris for 28 days and then have been implanted with a microdialysis probe for extracellular dopamine level measurement. On the following day in vivo microdialysis quinpirole-induced dopamine release was measured. To challenge dopamine release, a D2 receptor agonist has been infused intracerebrally in the mPFC of these mice. In particular, in Dys+/− treated with Ris, D2 silencing increased dopamine release. Injection of a control miR in Dys+/− Ris-treated mice further confirmed a decrease of quinpirole-mediated dopamine release. Error bars represent S.E.M. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005. From Scheggia et al Nature Communications 2018.